'Monday Minute' Special Edition

It's time for Ian's "Monday Minute!" Although, with my length of answers, it's more like the Monday 20-Minute, but whatev bev. Wanna play along? Click the link to his name, copy/paste/answer the questions on your blog, link up at the bottom of his blog. Easy-peezy. So here we go!

This week, Ian has created a special edition in honor of Daffy. Daffy's 30-something sister passed away last week after her cancer took a quick turn for the worst. Please keep Daffy and her family (including her sister's husband and young son) in your prayers/positive thoughts as they try to get through this difficult time.

1 - Do you *snort*?
Normally, I'd say no. But I did on Thursday at the doctor's office. And it was SO loud. I have no idea where it came from, but it was pretty funny (I don't really embarrass easily).

2 - Our friend, has a nickname and it's Daffy.  What's your nickname?
Well, I've told you about "Lacy Panties" (by the way, it has nothing to do with my undergarments...), but I'm also called Mel (my initials), Mar(e) (pronounced liked Mary, without the "ee" sound or pronounced like Mars without the 's'), Dolly, Ladybug, Peach, Mary Elizabeth. I think that about covers them...

3 - Do you know sign language?
I know the alphabet, a few random words, and can sign "Hi. My name is Marianne." My brother has bilateral hearing loss and has worn hearing aids since he was 4-- he speaks without an impediment and hears with his aids but I still wish we had learned ASL as a family.

4 - What's a sample convo from your hood?
Sorry, nothing good to share. I know, lame, but I can't even remember what I ate for breakfast. That and I'm slightly confused as to what type of convo I'm supposed to be sharing. The only convo I can recall lately was with a friend regarding the hilariousness that is some people's match.com profiles (so many guys are "over the bar scene" and "just looking for friends." riiiiiiiight.). But I'm too lazy to turn on my phone and find the messages. Sorry.

5-  Do you sleep with electronic devices - i.e. laptop, Blackberry, iPhone, etc?
It depends. Lately, my laptop has been under my bed when I sleep because I've been spending more time up here, but usually it's downstairs. My BlackBerry is only on my bed if I have the alarm on it set (I use it as a backup alarm), but I have the phone on silent (the alarm still works ;)), or if it's charging (like it is right now, but the phone is powered off). I HATE being reachable 24/7. Well, that and the fact the only people that call me on my phone live in same house as me and are usually sleeping when I am...

In addition to praying for Daffy, could y'all keep my awesome friend Jess' brother Trevor in your prayers?

Hope you all have a wonderful week. I start microbiology tonight-- GROSS! And I may be going on a couple dates in the next week or two. Eeek!


Momma Fargo said…
Did I miss the Lacy Panties? This I don't remember. Ugh. I'm getting old and my memory is bad.
Melissa said…
Going on some dates, eh? GOOD LUCK!

And I didn't know what sort of "convo" to share either...
Imaginative Me said…
I love your nickname 'Mar', think it sounds classic. I had a hard time with the Convo also, my brother-in-law is the closest I could think of.
Unknown said…
Good luck in the class and keep us updated on the dates. I take my licensing exam tomorrow and I am scared to death.
Ian said…
Dates, eh? Better spill all the details. We gotta make an informed decision together ya know!
Anonymous said…
Dating? Scary! Good luck!!
Imaginative Me said…
Thank you marianne, I HAD to borrow a sentence from you, I'm not really good with this topic (Daffy) since I don't really know her. I didn't know what to say. You helped me!
Anonymous said…
Ugh, micro. I thought I contracted everything we studied. And forget trying to get in the bathroom on a break when you are studying UTI's. Everyone is in thee.

Prayers sent.
Helene said…
A guy who's over the bar scene?? Yeah, right...do they think someone's actually gonna fall for that?

The least they could do is come up with a different tag line, something more original, ya know?
Rosh said…
i agree on the not being reachable 24/7. As much as I love my laptop, blackberry and blackberry messenger, I try to go one day a week without them. I can def see why people call the blackberry a crackberry! Haha

Good luck with micro! And have a great time on your dates - yay!
teacher girl said…
Can't wait to hear about these dates... match.com guys? or the stop light guys? Either way, can't wait for entertaining stories. :o) 11th comment today!! Woot. Woot. You're a celebrity. From the biggest slacker in the world who still needs to mail your (small-so-don't get your hopes up) envelope of goodies for your bday/cheer up from 3 weeks ago...oops I suck at doing things in a timely fashion.

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