I Gave YOU an Award! Yes, YOU!

I gave an award to all of you who comment (see what happens when you delurk?? ;)) so if you haven't checked it out, scroll down to the post below this one!!! Or click here! YAY YOU!

Lots to blog about, including: day/night in Chicago, a surprise in the mail from one of YOU, answer about the nursing program I applied to and what it means for my future, and an upcoming date, upcoming trips, etc.. Lots to say, little time to say it. Hopefully a few posts can happen this week and I can also catch up on reading and commenting. :)

Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday weekend. I know I sure am!! And tomorrow is the 'greatest spectacle in racing' here in good ole Indiana. What's that you say? Oh. Yea. I couldn't care less either. Just more proof I'm not a stereotypical Hoosier!

Hugs to all,


Melissa said…
I can't wait for all the updates!!! I am pumped!

And thanks again for the award...! I'm not going to do anything with it though... for some reason, I just don't like to "do them." I feel bad about it, but not bad enough to do them. Do you hate me now?
Helene said…
You better be having fun! I just sent you an e-mail!!

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