Why are Women so Mean to Each Other?
Current facebook status: "Moms at the park hate me." And it's true. Every time I take the kids, I have some uncomfortable encounter with the moms there. The first time I took my cousins to the park, I apparently crashed a play group. When the moms saw me rollin' up with my two cousins, they seriously watched to see if I was going to let "my" kids mingle with their kids. But not in a, "Oh, how nice, more kids to play with" look. No, it was more like a, "How dare you bring those kids to OUR park during OUR play group." I'm not kidding, anytime my cousin Nick would get close to the other kids, one of the moms would come over and redirect her child to another piece of equipment. I also tried to make conversation with one of the moms pushing her child on the swing next to me. Her response? Nada. Zilch. Nothing. She totally ignored me. Excuuuuuuuse me, Queen B. I told my cousin when she got home and she said she crashed the same play group...