Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

"There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart."
Celia Thaxter

I realize this week's is very similar to last week's, but I couldn't decide between the two (no surprise there), so I just did them both :)

Image from Google Images Registered & Protected


Big Fat Gini said…
I love, love, love sunflowers! I had a friend who's mother used to grow them in their backyard and how they overtook an entire section of it. Lots of happy memories there!

And, if you need an eternal summer, move here. Where it's 107 in late August. ;O)
Katherine said…
Sunflowers and daisies are my favorite.
Anne said…
Dude. I MISS YOU. I miss reading your blog. I miss laughing with you and at you. I miss all of it. DAMN my new job all to hell!!! No, actually I really like it but it's sucking my time all up!!! Hope to get back into regular blog reading soon!!! xoxo
Unknown said…
Did you know that sunflowers are my favorite and they brighten my day??? Did you know I really needed my day to be brightened today? Thanks!!!
Pennie said…
What a happy picture and a great quote! I miss you allot!

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