Bipolar post.
I just got word that the TEAS exam I busted my ass for last spring won't count for the TEAS requirement for the nursing program I just applied to. I have to take a newer version by February 1. Had I not inquired about this last fall, I'd smack myself, but I did and specifically asked if they would accept those scores, and they never told me they wouldn't. I am beyond frustrated with all the effing obstacles I've encountered on my pursuit to get into nursing school.
I'm asking this seriously, who can help me get a job in either Florida, Hawaii, or California? If things don't pan out with this program, I'll be moving to one of the aforementioned states and working for a while & trying to figure out my life. I can't keep doing what I've been doing for over a year and a half with no results.
In good news, I'm leaving in a hour to pick up my best friend from the airport. I haven't seen her since October 2009 and I'm so excited I could pee my pants. I threw a pack of Depends in the car. A group of us are renting a hotel downtown tonight, going out to dinner, and drinks & dancing after. "Demi" most certainly will make an appearance. If it weren't for all of this, I'd likely sit in my room crying all day.
Operation find Marianne a job begins... NOW!

Hang in there, friend!
(and if it makes you feel better, Blogger has just come up with a sweet way to spell the word afro: APHRO)
Good luck! :)