Gimme Yo Feedback!
What up, peeps? So my one year blogiversary (or however it's spelled. I secretly hate that word.) is in January and I'm considering doing a giveaway or two for all of you awesome readers! Here's the best part: it would be the easiest giveaway in the world. None of this, "Blog about it, tweet about it, sing a song, slap your knees, and turn your body into a human pretzel" crap. I hate that. What I want to know from you is, what kind of item or items would you most like to win in a giveaway? And let's be realistic, ok? I won't be shipping out a Rolex or Mercedes. What kind of giveaways get you excited? What kind make you think, "Who the heck wants that crap?" What would make you squeal if you won? I have some possibilities, but want more, so give me some idears! Oh yea, please? Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!