Help me find some inspiration.
Lovely friends, please help me get back my blogging mojo.
You may not believe it, but oh, how I miss it, so.
I used to have so much to say,
But now, I can't even blog every seventh day.
No dating nightmares, stop light adventures, or crazy tomfoolery;
Just babysitting, running errands, and a little bit of schoolery.
So, now, dear readers, I beg of you, this,
To help get my blog out of the piss...(er),
Ask me questions, suggest topics to write about,
I'll do your requests until they run out.
And if that poem wasn't spelling it out enough, I'm currently taking suggestions for things you'd like me to write about. Ask a question, suggest a topic, seek my opinion... I DO NOT CARE. I just need to get out of this writer's block I've had since August!
(hang in there, everyone loses their mojo every now and then)
I think you should marry one of older Duggar Boys.
Are there any new favorite products to review? Movies? Books?
I read this post earlier, and I actually thought about suggesting coming and linking up with the Friday Confessional. I only started doing it a couple of weeks ago, but it has turned into one of my favorite posts each week to write. The lady who hosts it, Mamarazzi, does a ton of other link-ups, but I've only just done the confessional meme. Once you link up, people from all over drop by and leave comments, and it's really fun and interactive. Maybe just doing that will inspire you to find other things to write about, or just keep you doing at least one post a week.
So, let's see....for a serious post, how about writing about a once-in-a-lifetime experience you've had. Lame, I know...but I'm trying.
For something funny, how about making a list of all the things you will NEVER say once you're a parent!
Take the 30 day challenge, love. Some of the topis care lame but you can always skip those. :)