Changes on the Horizon

A few weeks ago I interviewed for an RN job on the neonatal intensive care unit that I volunteered at for over 2 years.

Yesterday I was offered the job, contingent on me passing NCLEX.


I haven't accepted yet (and my dreams of moving to LA are still very real) and I have until I pass boards to formally accept, but the offer is there and, for all intents and purposes, I have a job 6 weeks before I graduate, which has me feeling all kinds of happy, blessed, and flattered. It's just crazy to me that everything I have worked so hard for for essentially 3 years is coming to an end and a new beginning is on the horizon. Truly is amazing how ANY dream can come true, all it takes is a little imagination, and a lot of resilience, dedication, and hard work. Registered & Protected


Melissa said…
Great work Marianne. Major congrats and props to you!!!
Murdock's mama said…
Ahh! I'm so so so excited for you! Contrats! Don't kill me for saying this, but that went REALLY fast!! I remember when you started your nursing journey! :)
Jess said…
I am SOOOOOOOOO happy for you!!! And, sooooooooooo proud of you, Twin!!

That being said, I'm still crossing my fingers that a great job in Central Florida opens up and you get it and we can live in the same state and find awesome husbands and raise our kids together.
Aww how impressive, I'm so happy to hear about your news! Way to be a go-getter.
Merri Ann said…
Glad to see all is well with you!!! It's nice to be catching up with all the people I used to blog with.

Hope the job is what you want !!!
Rosh said…
Congrats!! So proud and excited for you! You're going to be an amazing nurse! :)
NPO said…
Do not give up on LA. But first get a year or two experience with a sure thing and then you can get a job in SoCal much easier.
YAY! I am so excited for you!!
Heather said…
YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!! Sooooooo happy for you, and I'm green with envy. Not only am I on a waitlist (over 2 years now) to be a cuddle therapy because they don't have a trainer, but that's my dream job that I hope and pray I get after graduation!!!
Congrats on the job offer 6 weeks before graduation!! That's so exciting!!! And congrats on graduating in 2 weeks-ish!

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