Two Questions.
1. Why was Kate Gosselin at the Emmys? Doesn't one need to contribute something worthwhile to the acting world to be invited to the Emmys? Apparently not.
2. What the hell was she wearing?
Joan Rivers, when asked what she thought of the dress, said, "WHO CARES?! She needs to go home, stay there, and learn her kids' names."
Now, I certainly wouldn't describe this woman as the fashionista she obviously thinks she is, but seriously, how can a woman look in the mirror and think a dress that makes her look like a giant box is flattering? And girlfriend is not fat (hello, she had a free tummy tuck), but zoiks, that makes her look more full in the tummy. It's just a terrible cut and the boob area is so classless. Such a pity. But, I'll be nice and say her face and looks beautiful, her hair is OK, and her jewelry is nice.
At least she doesn't look this ridiculous:
Rita Wilson also looks like a box. And those shoes have left me speechless. January Jones looks like the little girl in "Signs" when she uses tinfoil to keep away the aliens. There are no words for the ugliness that is that dress.
Also, Rita Wilson? Yeah, my grandmother's 60's era lamp called and it's pissed off that you stole its shade.
2. Kate: "Jon does this dress make me look fat?"
Jon: "Nope, not at all." *snicker* "You should definitely wear it. People will be talking about your boobs" *cough* "I mean you - for months"
Kate: "PERFECT!"
And why do so many stars stand with their legs crossed like January's?
Just some of the questions that I had!
A pity that Prada could ever let me down like that!
I have to say though, January Jones dress was amazing. Looking at it from a high fashion standpoint, which that dress was very high fashion, it was beyond fabulous. It took some guts to wear it, and like the fashion police said, could have used some nude shoes, but I loved it!
I had no idea Kate Gosselin was at the awards show. Your question of WHY is exactly what I would've wanted to know, too.
Why do people care about she had two sets of multiples?! In this day and age that doesn't make her any more special than anyone else.
And where's my free tummy tuck, damnit???
In other news, the word verfication word for this post is:
Hablick. HAHHAHA. I like that word.